
Myofunctional Therapy for TMJ: How it Helps?

Posted by NW MYOFUNCTIONAL THERAPY on Mar 21 2023, 07:40 AM

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition that causes pain in the jaw and face. TMJ often occurs as a result of chronic teeth grinding and jaw clenching. These habits are also known as myofunctional disorders. These disorders can strain the muscles, ligaments, and nerves in the jaw. 

Myofunctional therapy is a treatment for myofunctional disorders. Myofunctional disorders can cause TMJ disorder. Myofunctional therapy can teach you how to stop clenching your teeth and grinding your teeth. This can help you stop TMJ disorder from developing.

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is a type of physical therapy that focuses on the mouth and tongue muscles. It helps the jaw, lips, teeth, and facial muscles work together properly. This helps reduce the symptoms of TMJ disorder and other mouth and face problems. In children, myofunctional therapy can help correct poor muscle habits that may lead to future orthodontic issues.

If your bite is misaligned or your teeth are crowded together due to overcrowded jaws, you may need orthodontic treatment such as braces, Invisalign, or other treatments. However, these treatments may not fix the underlying problem. If your lips, cheeks, tongue, or face move incorrectly when you speak, you may have an underlying problem with your oral musculature. As a result, you may be more likely to experience TMJ disorder symptoms.

During this type of therapy, your therapist will work with you to correct any bad habits you have developed. For example, you may be asked to retrain your tongue to rest on the palate instead of sticking it out between your teeth. You may also be instructed to breathe through your nose rather than your mouth. In some cases, this therapy may even include electrical stimulation to help the muscles become accustomed to their new position. All of this helps train your muscles to work together correctly.

Many adults develop bad oral habits because they are unaware of them, or they are simply used to doing them that way. Children may learn poor oral habits from their parents or siblings. Unfortunately, these habits can be difficult to break without professional help.

Symptoms of TMJ Problems

The symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders include pain in the jaw, clicking of the jaw when opening and closing the mouth, and locking of the jaw joints. The symptoms can also be associated with headaches and neckaches in some cases.

Some patients may also experience earaches or rings in the ears due to the movement of the muscles. These problems can interfere with speaking and eating. Since these symptoms can be so disruptive to your daily life, it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible.

Benefits of Myofunctional Therapy

Certain patients benefit from completing myofunctional therapy prior to being fitted for a mouthpiece or undergoing other orthodontic treatments. By improving a patient’s bite, they can experience diminished jaw pain in the future. In addition, this treatment can also improve speech impediments and improper breathing habits. In some cases, this can even help to eliminate snoring, allowing the patient to sleep peacefully at night.

NW Myofunctional Therapy is equipped with modern amenities and technologies that enable the best treatment opportunities. To know more, please call us at (206) 276-5294, schedule an appointment online or email us at to have a consultation with our team in Portland, OR, and we will be happy to help. 

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